Treasure Island

Water System
TICC owns and operates a water system for island residents. The system consists of three wells, each with a pump house, a 150,000-gallon storage tank, fire hydrants, water lines, and testing stations. Your annual dues pay for the operation and maintenance costs. Water quality is reported each year in the Consumer Confidence Report.
Points of Contact
Points of contact for the Treasure Island water distribution team:
Sarah Voss, Water Commissioner, TICCDock@gmail.com
Water Use Efficiency Rule
The Water Use Efficiency (WUE) Rule went into effect in January 2007. The rule requires municipal water systems to implement a water use efficiency program. There will be changes to our water system over the next few years — the rule mandates water meters at each connection and evaluation of a rate structure that encourages water use efficiency. The rule also requires that we forecast water demand, meet a water system leakage standard, and meet conservation goals that are set through a public process.
Annual WUE Report
The annual WUE performance report for the Treasure Island Water System is available on the Department of Health web site:
2016 WUE Report (3/19/17)
2015 WUE Report (6/16/16)
2014 WUE Report (4/24/15)
2013 WUE Report (5/4/14)
2012 WUE Report (5/31/13)
2011 WUE Report (8/2/12)
WUE Goals
The water system's WUE goals for 2017–2023 were set in a public meeting held on May 20, 2017, at the Grapeview Fire Hall and have been approved by the Board:
Goal: Reduce total water consumption by 2% from 2017 to 2023.
Goal: Obtain and maintain a Distribution System Leakage (DSL) amount equal to or less than 10% for the period 2017 to 2023.
Goal: Work with customers to identify and repair customer leaks.